Historical site La Nga Victory Monument

05/04/2023 21742 0

The historical monument of La Nga Victory Monument is the place to mark the resounding victory of our army and people in the early period of resistance against the French colonialists, which is the La Nga Victory on Highway 20 on January 1st. March 1948 has gone through some history of national defense of the nation. With the coordination of the 10th Squadron (companies A, B, C), the 17th Coalition and the National Guard platoon of Xuan Loc district with a total of about 1,000 troops, not including the guerrillas to intercept in the Ho Nai, Dau Giay and Tanh sections. succeeded in the form of a confrontation with the enemy in order to destroy the enemy's misrepresentation about the resistance war of our people, promote the spirit of our army, and preempt the will of the enemy. Within 45 minutes of fighting from 3:12 pm to 3:57 pm on March 1, 1948 with courage, docility, and cunning, our army destroyed a French military convoy consisting of 59 vehicles and 150 enemy soldiers (25 officers). ), in which there were 2 colonels: Deserinhe - commander of the 13th legionary brigade and Patreus - the first deputy chief of the general staff of the French army in South Indochina, controlling the entire road 20 running to Da Nang. Lat for almost an hour. Collect many weapons, ammunition, military equipment, military equipment. The ambush of La Nga has caused great resonance in the country and French public opinion. At the end of the war, Dinh Quan was also the first district of Dong Nai province to be completely liberated (March 17, 1975).

Historical relic of La Nga Victory Monument was classified as a national historical relic by the Ministry of Culture according to Decision No. 235/VH.QD dated 12/12/1986. To commemorate the historical event of the La Nga victory, in 1998, the Party Committee, the government and the people of Dong Nai planned, preserved and built a victory monument right at the peak 100, on the left bank of the La Nga River. where the fierce battle between us and the enemy took place. The relic is located in Hamlet 1, Phu Ngoc Commune, Dinh Quan District, Dong Nai Province.

Currently, DTLS La Nga Victory Monument is a red address chosen by many visitors to make a trip to the source. From 2018 to now, each year the Monument welcomes more than 13,000 visitors, and that number increases over the years. In 2022, the number of visitors at the monument increased dramatically with 26,940 visitors, offering incense, on peak days reaching 2,000 visitors/day, equivalent to nearly 50 turns of 45-seat tourist cars. In the first quarter of 2023 alone, the La Nga Victory Monument welcomed 13,400 visitors.DTLS La Nga Victory Monument includes the following items: Victory Monument 18m high, Traditional House, Guard house. The Traditional House here has the function of storing and displaying images and artifacts that reflect true information about the revolutionary history, cultural traditions of the ethnic groups in Dinh Quan district in particular and the people of Bien Hoa - Dong Nai generally serves tourists to enjoy.

75 years have passed, although the scene has changed, but the vestiges of a fierce, daring, clever traffic-cutting ambush containing great value in military art are still like a dazzling landmark. in the history of the struggle of the nation, forever a pride in the hearts of the soldiers and people of the South.

Department of Culture and Sports of Dinh Quan district

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