Vietnam Tourism - Proud of the 63-year journey of construction and development

11/07/2023 2402 0
Năm 2023, ngành du lịch tự hào nhìn lại quá trình lịch sử 63 năm xây dựng và phát triển. Ở mỗi thời kỳ, ngành Du lịch Việt Nam luôn nỗ lực hoàn thành tốt các nhiệm vụ Đảng và Nhà nước giao phó, đóng góp ngày càng tích cực vào sự nghiệp bảo vệ và phát triển đất nước.

July 9, 1960 - A historical mark marking the birth of Vietnam's tourism industry

On July 9, 1960, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, on behalf of the Government Council of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, signed and promulgated Decree No. 26 on the establishment of Vietnam Tourism Company under the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

During the war years, the birth of Vietnam's tourism industry was a historical mark, showing the far-reaching vision of the leaders of our Party and State. Tourism has been identified as a new economic sector in the construction of socialism in the North. Breakthrough thinking is also reflected in the mechanism that Vietnam Tourism Company can establish its representatives abroad, local tourism branches, hotels and specialized means of transportation. under the management of the company.

After the South was completely liberated and the country was unified, the tourism industry did a good job of taking over, preserving and developing tourism facilities in the newly liberated provinces and cities. At the same time, in turn, expand and build more new facilities in all regions of the country.

In terms of organization, the state management agency in charge of tourism has changed a number of times in terms of model in accordance with the requirements and tasks and creating favorable conditions for the tourism industry to develop commensurate with its potential and advantages. . On June 27, 1978, the National Assembly Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 262 establishing the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism under the Government Council. 

Vietnam tourism in the renewal period: Transformation, breakthrough, reaching new heights

Entering the renovation period, the tourism industry has made great efforts to rise up, develop rapidly in both scale and quality, affirming its important role and position in the economy. Those achievements are thanks to the deep concern of the Party and State with the promulgation of mechanisms and policies to create favorable conditions for the tourism industry to develop.

In October 1992, the Government issued Decree No. 05 establishing the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism as an agency under the Government. Directive 46 of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee in October 1994 affirmed the policy "Tourism development is an important strategic direction in the socio-economic development path in order to contribute to the realization of industrialization". modernize the country".

In particular, the Notice of Conclusion No. 179 dated 11/11/1998 of the Politburo on Vietnam's tourism development in the new situation, was the premise for the establishment of the State Steering Committee on Tourism in 1999, France. 1999 Tourism Order and the 2000 National Tourism Action Program.

Nearly 20 years later, on January 16, 2017, the Politburo again issued Resolution No. 08 on developing tourism to become a spearhead economic sector, demonstrating the determination at the highest level of the Party and State on the development of tourism. tourism development in the country.

As a result, many mechanisms and policies have been implemented at all levels from central to local levels, attracting investment, improving material and technical facilities and tourism infrastructure, diversifying products, enhancing trade promoting the breakthrough development of the tourism industry in the new period.

Vietnam's tourism service infrastructure system has developed strongly

The system of tourist accommodation establishments nationwide is invested more and more strongly, in 1990 there were only 350 establishments with 16,700 rooms, by 2019 there were 30,000 tourist accommodation establishments with 650,000 rooms. The team of international travel businesses is growing stronger, in 2019 there were 2,667 enterprises in the whole country, compared to 1990 there were only 4 enterprises, in 2005 there were 428 enterprises.

If in 1990, there were only 250,000 international tourists to Vietnam, in 2019 it reached more than 18 million, an increase of 72 times. The annual growth rate usually reaches double digits, especially in the period 2015-2019 reaching 22.7% per year - ranked among the highest in the world by the World Tourism Organization. Domestic tourists increased 85 times, from 1 million in 1990 to 85 million in 2019.

Vietnam has become an attractive destination for tourists from all over the world

Total revenue from tourists in 2019 reached VND 755 trillion; contributes 9.2% of GDP and also creates a driving force for other industries and fields to develop. Tourism has really become an important economic sector of the country.

Resilience to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, accelerate recovery, accelerate tourism development

Facing the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism is the industry that has been affected the earliest and hardest. However, with the efforts of all levels, sectors, and tourism, Vietnam has resiliently overcome the pandemic and officially reopened from March 15, 2022. This is an important turning point creating momentum for the recovery of tourism. In particular, domestic tourism becomes a bright spot with 101.3 million arrivals in 2022 - higher than the record number of 85 million in 2019.

Following the recovery momentum, in the first 6 months of 2023, the number of international tourists reached nearly 5.6 million arrivals, equivalent to 69% of the year plan. Domestic tourists reached 64 million. Total revenue from tourists reached VND 343 trillion. According to data from Google, in the first 6 months of the year, the number of searches about Vietnam tourism continuously increased in the top of the world, from the 11th position to the 6th position today. Vietnam is the only destination in Southeast Asia that falls into this category.

With outstanding achievements, Vietnam has been honored to receive many prestigious international awards. In the past 5 years, Vietnam has been honored by the World Travel Awards 3 times as the World's Leading Heritage Destination, 5 times received the title of World's Best Golf Destination; 4 times as Asia's Top Destination. Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has been awarded the Asia's Leading Tourism Management Authority award three times.

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Vietnam Tourism Development Capability Index in 2021 ranks 52nd globally, up 8 places compared to 2019, among the top 3 fastest growing countries in the world.

With its achievements over the years, Vietnam's tourism industry was honored to be awarded the Ho Chi Minh Order by the Party and State - the highest award ever for the industry. Along with that are the First, Second, and Third Class Labor Medals, the Government's Emulation Flag, the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit, the National Emulation Soldier, and the Emulation Flag of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. calendar, Certificate of Merit from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and many other worthy emulation titles for collectives and individuals in the Industry.

The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism was honored to receive the First Class Labor Medal on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Tourism Industry

Proudly looking back on the past journey, the tourism industry has made unremitting efforts to bring tourism development commensurate with the potential, position and expectations of the Party, State and the whole society. During the most difficult periods such as the Covid-19 pandemic, under the direction of the Leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has actively researched and advised the leaders of the Ministry, the Government, The Prime Minister and National Assembly promulgate policies to remove difficulties and bottlenecks for the tourism industry.

A workshop organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in January 2022 to discuss the roadmap and solutions to reopening international tourism

The tourism industry drastically implements tasks and solutions to restore tourism

The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism held a press conference to inform the reopening of tourism activities from March 15, 2022

Vietnam's tourism industry actively connects and recovers tourism after the pandemic

Vietnam tourism attended the ITB Berlin Fair in March 2023 with the largest scale ever, affirming its determination to integrate into the recovery of global tourism.

Most notably, with the advice and recommendations of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Government, and the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister has agreed to pilot tourism opening from the end of 2021 to the end of 2021. Completely closed from March 15, 2022, creating momentum for tourism to recover. The Prime Minister also chaired the Conference to promote the attraction of international tourists to Vietnam in December 2022 and the National Conference on Tourism in March 2023. As a result of these two important conferences, on May 18, 2023, the Government issued Resolution 82 on key tasks and solutions to accelerate recovery and accelerate effective and sustainable tourism development. The resolution is particularly important with breakthrough solutions for tourism development in the new era.

The Prime Minister chaired the National Conference on Tourism on March 15, 2022 (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

At the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly, the National Assembly officially approved a new policy on visas and entry and exit to facilitate attracting international tourists as proposed by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Sports and Tourism and related ministries and sectors, meeting the expectations of the entire tourism industry. This will be a great driving force to promote the growth of the international tourism market to Vietnam.

Over 63 years of construction and development, the tourism industry has always received the deep attention of the Party and State, the close coordination of the departments, ministries, branches and localities, and the support of the whole society. , the effective cooperation of international partners and friends and especially the enthusiasm and unremitting efforts of generations of leaders, officers and employees of the whole industry. From July 1, 2023, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism officially came into operation and is ready with the whole industry to enter a new development period, determined to affirm its role as a spearhead economic sector. of the country./.

Tourist Information Center

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