Experience sightseeing tours through virtual reality technology

05/05/2022 1840 0

Virtual reality 3D space technology is not a new field in the world, going beyond the traditional travel experience, it brings a new concept of "virtual travel". In recent years, in Vietnam, this trend has also appeared, especially after the period of social isolation due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it shows the potential for future development, not only meeting the needs of customers. users' needs, but also to take our smokeless industry far.

It can be easily understood that, when monuments and landscapes have been digitized in 3D environment, users only need to wear virtual reality glasses and headsets, even though they are in Hanoi, they can still admire the majestic scenery of Hanoi. Moc Chau mountains or enjoy the fanciful million-year-old stalactites under Son Doong cave (Quang Binh). Visitors can even interact almost realistically with the scenery, as long as they have a plan to visit a tourist attraction, they can learn and experience it first or just choose the form of experience through technology. number. This can be a potential direction for ethnic minorities and mountainous areas. This extensive promotion creates two parallel effects: Domestic and international tourists will know us more, and at the same time will promote a large number of tourists to go to traditional tourism when they have experienced the place. upcoming travel.

The Government has approved the "Strategy to develop Vietnam's tourism to 2020, with a vision to 2030", which defines the overall goal as: "By 2020, tourism will basically become a key economic sector. sharp, professional, with a relatively synchronous and modern system of technical and material foundations; tourism products of high quality, variety, brand, imbued with national cultural identity, competitive with other countries in the region and the world”. Therefore, the application of virtual reality technology will drastically change the thinking in the tourism industry, quickly adapt to the new requirements of the market, gradually establish the position and attractiveness of Vietnam in the eyes of tourists. international friends.

Thanh Xuan

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