Exploiting agricultural tourism in mountainous districts

21/03/2023 1262 0

With a terrain of both mountains, rivers, lakes and forests, Dinh Quan is one of the districts with strengths in agriculture and has achieved many outstanding results in new rural construction.

A corner of space at Luong Chuong May coffee shop (La Nga commune, Dinh Quan district). Photo: Tai Pham

In recent years, in addition to promoting its inherent strengths, Dinh Quan also attracts attention when local people know how to take advantage of and exploit tourism services right on gardens, fish ponds ..., especially The area is located near rivers, lakes, mountains, etc.

* Make money from low-yielding orchards

Although it is a land of strong agricultural strength with specialized cultivation areas of mango, durian, rice, citrus... but in Dinh Quan there are still areas of barren land, sloping hills, lack of water source. irrigated... For these areas, it is very difficult for people to convert crops as they want. But recently, with the creativity and market sensitivity of the people, some orchards have suddenly become cafes and famous attractions.

Luong Chuong May is the name of a cafe located halfway up a hill in Phu Quy 2 hamlet (La Nga commune). Opened in December 2022, after more than 3 months of operation, Luong Trung May coffee shop has become a "hot" name on social networks, every day welcoming from a few hundred to thousands of guests not only to drink coffee. but also admire the poetic scenery of the restaurant.

Sharing about the birth of Luong Chuong May, Mr. Pham Van Tai, one of the capital contributors to open the shop, said that Luong Chuong May is the product of him and a group of friends who were born and raised in La Nga commune. The location of the shop is located halfway up a hill called Banana Hill. For decades, people in this area have called this hill Banana Hill, because most of the area on the hill only grows bananas, the rest is cashew trees. Annually, these crops have very low yields, so some gardens are abandoned by people. Discovering that the banana hill has a beautiful location, can see the whole area with fruit orchards, Tri An lake in the distance..., Mr. Tai came up with the idea of ​​forming a restaurant called Luong Chuong May. After its birth, Luong Chuong May became a destination attracting tourists from near and far.

Also in La Nga, in the past few years, the area along Tri An lake has been exploited and developed by people, developing tourist products that are quite attractive to tourists. Right in Mit Nai hamlet, 3 tourist attractions have emerged such as: Tropical eGlamping, Panorama Glamping and Tri An Rived. These are tourist destinations for nature lovers, camping...

Mr. Pham Dinh Nguyen, Manager of Camping Tourist Sites Tropical eGlamping and Panorama Glamping shared, both of these attractions are exploited in cashew orchards. The tents are set up under the canopy so visitors have a cool space throughout the day. Recalling the time before turning the cashew orchard into a tourist destination, Mr. Nguyen said that the cashew garden was old and the yield was not high. The cashew tree itself in recent years has ceased to be an agricultural product that brings economic value to farmers. Therefore, the owner of the orchard decided to turn the cashew orchard into a tent garden to exploit tourism. Since forming a lakeside tourist destination, Tropical eGlamping and Panorama Glamping have become attractive destinations for tourists, especially groups of young people.

According to Mr. Nguyen, tourists when experiencing the services are very excited by the beautiful scenery, peaceful space to help relax their minds and regenerate energy for the next working week.

* Not brave to invest

Before developing agricultural and rural tourism products, Dinh Quan tourism was famous for places such as: Mai waterfall - Bau boiling water, Ba Giot waterfall, La Nga Victory Monument, Trong Duc cocoa stop… However, the investment and exploitation of the above destinations is not basic, lacks items or has no additional business activities, so the number of visitors and revenue from sightseeing and tourism activities The schedule at these points is still limited (mainly revenue from ticket sales).

In addition to limited exploitation capacity, gardeners when switching to exploiting food and tourism services are entangled with regulations. In particular, the prohibition on the construction of auxiliary works on land that is not in accordance with the planning is one of the barriers that prevent garden owners and businesses from investing in tourism.

Romantic atmosphere at Tropical eGlamping. Photo: Tropical Eglamping

According to Mr. Pham Van Tai, in order to serve guests who stop to drink and visit at Luong Chuong May restaurant, he needs to invest in a number of items such as: toilets, roofs of areas where guests sit to enjoy drinks, especially are miniatures created to serve guests to take souvenir photos. However, due to the regulations on banning construction on agricultural land, Mr. Tai did not dare to invest.

Mr. Tai said: “In order to attract visitors to visit and eat in the long term, it is necessary to create miniatures, but there are difficulties with regulations. We have worked hard to turn low-yielding orchards into a high-yield business model, and want to improve the quality of service at the point of sale, especially the toilets. Therefore, we are looking forward to receiving support, support and guidance from the authorities in the construction of temporary works, we always commit to dismantle and do not claim compensation if the State takes the land to implement the construction projects. project".

Surveying tourist service business locations in the area of H. Dinh Quan, Chairman of the Dong Nai Tourism Association Tran Dang Ninh said that there are many cases where people are entangled with regulations when implementing temporary works. on agricultural land. Not only in Dinh Quan, other localities such as Long Khanh, Xuan Loc, Cam My, Tan Phu ... are all entangled with these regulations, so people have not boldly invested, while the economic efficiency from tourism exploitation many times higher than pure agricultural exploitation, especially in bad lands, economic efficiency from agriculture is not high.

Recently, Mr. Tran Dang Ninh has represented businesses and households in rural areas to request provincial leaders to soon consider, support and guide people in procedures, facilitate tourism development, improve tourism, and promote tourism. high standard of living for people in rural areas.

Ngoc Lien

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