Celebrating 110 years of birth, Comrade Chairman of the State Council Vo Chi Cong (August 7, 1912 - August 7, 2022)

20/07/2022 1218 0

Nearly 80 years of revolutionary activities, the life of Comrade Vo Chi Cong is closely linked with the revolutionary cause of the Party and our nation. Comrade is a noble example of an exemplary communist, one of the excellent students of President Ho Chi Minh, lifelong loyalty to the country, filial piety to the people.
During the years of resistance war against the French colonialists and the American imperialists, trained in the practice of revolutionary struggle, overcoming all sacrifices and hardships even when being captured and imprisoned by the enemy, Comrade Vo Chi Cong remained loyal to the Party, to the communist ideals, not afraid to sacrifice hardships with the extraordinary energy of the communists, he devoted his whole life to the cause of national independence, preserving defend and build the country.

In his work, he always clearly shows the independent and creative thinking of a leader at strategic level. Comrade is both a leader, an organizer, and an activist with a high sense of responsibility, seriousness and exemplary; working style is scientific, meticulous, principled but not mechanical but very flexible; always believe in the strength of the masses of the people, closely associated with the people; strive tirelessly to build the great national unity block; bring all wisdom and strength to well complete all the tasks assigned by the Party and people.

In daily life, he always shows a simple life style, is close to everyone, sincere, straightforward, cordial, thoughtful, always cares for comrades, teammates and people, always takes care to preserve internal unity. He is a leader who is respected and loved by the people.

Comrade Vo Chi Cong is a shining example of revolutionary morality, with typical qualities of need, thrift, integrity, righteousness, and impartiality, following the example of the great President Ho Chi Minh, living with gratitude. wholeheartedly love comrades, compatriots. Your love for people is mixed with love for your homeland and country. Comrade Vo Chi Cong left us with the image of a virtuous leader, a rich practical activist, a resilient and intelligent revolutionary soldier who sacrificed his whole life to serve the Party. Serve the people, serve the country. Your image will live forever in the heart of every Vietnamese patriot.

In order to honor and appreciate the merits and great contributions of Comrade Vo Chi Cong to the Vietnamese revolutionary cause; affirming the wise role of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the cause of national liberation, peace and reunification as well as in the construction and defense of the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland. At the same time, encourage generations of Vietnamese people, especially the young generation, to follow the example of typical senior leaders of the Party, including Comrade Vo Chi Cong, to study, work and dedicate themselves. strength and wisdom to build the country more and more rich, beautiful and civilized, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress.

On the occasion of the 110th birthday of Comrade Vo Chi Cong, the entire Party, people and army vow to continue the revolutionary path chosen by President Ho Chi Minh and his predecessors, to continue pushing forward. comprehensively strengthen the doi moi, accelerate the industrialization and modernization of the country, practically achieve the noble goal: rich people, strong country, democracy, justice, civilization, steady rise to communism society.

Thu Trang

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