Dong Nai reviewed the 3-year implementation of the Politburo's Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW

14/04/2020 2260 0

After 03 years of implementing the Politburo's Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW of January 16, 2017 on tourism development into a key economic sector, Dong Nai tourism industry has achieved remarkable results. .
Tourism products are getting better and better, investment in tourism infrastructure, especially roads leading to tourist areas and destinations are of interest to the province, tourist arrivals and tourism revenue next year are always high. More than previous years, the system of tourism technical infrastructure has been increasingly developed. The management of tourism business activities and tourism services has been strengthened, and the inspection and examination in the field of tourism has been carried out regularly; Tourism environment is quite good. 


The propaganda and promotion of tourism have been strengthened and varied and gradually step into depth, thereby introducing more broadly the potential, country and people of Dong Nai to many domestic and foreign tourists. . The number of tourists coming to Dong Nai is increasing and the tourism market is expanding, tourism revenue is gaining positive. The awareness and actions of all levels, sectors, tourism businesses about the role and responsibility of tourism have changed more clearly and are gradually forming a tourism brand of Dong Nai, namely tourism tourism. thai.


In addition to the achieved results, Dong Nai tourism industry still has limitations such as: The potential for developing ecotourism has not been properly invested, and existing entertainment services in the areas. tourism though being renovated, upgraded and infrastructure in service of tourism has not been synchronized; The historical and cultural relics mostly do not meet the requirements of serving tourists. Tourism human resources generally do not meet development requirements ...


Objectives in the period of 2021-2025, Dong Nai province strives for an average growth rate of visitors and stay of 11% or more per year. Revenue from tourism reaches 18% / year or more. By 2025, attract tourists to visit and stay about 8,500,000 visitors. Tourism revenue reaches VND 3800 billion.


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