Develop an international law on tourist protection

26/11/2020 1545 0

With restoring confidence as a top priority, the International Code of Tourist Protection was developed by UNWTO with the support of nearly 100 member states to clarify and unify support for tourists. Affected by emergency situations.

Previously, the UNWTO published the Recommendation on Support of International Travelers in Emergency Situations, which forms the basis for the International Code of Tourist Protection. These recommendations are addressed across the country and are designed to ensure that responsibility to tourists in emergencies is equally shared across the tourism value chain. Content includes: Preventing possible disruptions by creating contingency plans, coordination protocols, and training travel stakeholders to assist travelers in emergency situations . Provide information for tourists. Address cross-border cooperation between governments and travel service providers. Strengthen close cooperation between governments and travel and accommodation service providers. Addressing repatriation tourists effectively.

It is expected that a progress report on the development of the International Code of Tourist Protection will be presented at the next UNWTO General Assembly (scheduled to take place by the end of 2021 in Marrakech, Morocco) for member states adopted.

Nguyen Yen

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